To finish off our school year, each class held a summer concert to celebrate and show our parents what we are capable of. In Year 2, we held a big winter concert so we had high expectations and with lots of practice and hard work, we did not disappoint.
Our story followed four characters who had just been on a wonderful holiday together, but then disaster struck. A volcano began to erupt and a massive volcanic boulder flew out and hit the leader on the head, causing him to lose his memory. His friends were very upset as he had many great stories, so they decided to re-enact these stories to try and help him remember.
Our three stories then followed, starting in Australia with 'The Frog Who Wouldn't Laugh,' followed by a Ghanaian tale ‘Anansi the Spider,’ and finishing in Madagascar with 'Animals in the Wild.’ However, this did not work. Then one boy begins humming песенке о лете, which starts to remind their leader of his childhood. His friends begin singing this song all together and his memory all comes flooding back to him, all with a little help from his friends.
The concert was a huge success and we hope that the parents all enjoyed it as much as the children did performing it.